Civil Engineering & Land Surveying

Our Services

Full-Service Civil Engineering

Davel Engineering & Environmental, Inc. provides clients with a range of civil engineering and land surveying services, including all aspects of land and site development. We are committed to using the latest technology, including robotic instruments, and GPS equipment. State-of-the-art technology combined with excellent staff training, innovative design, and regulatory insight allows us to quickly and accurately produce building plans.

Land Development

Residential subdivision land development by Davel Engineering & Environmental

Residential Subdivisions

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Subdivisions of land involve many agencies and approvals. As such, they require a wide variety of services to complete. We usually begin the process with a topographic survey of the land parcel.

Other preliminary studies, such as flood plain studies, wetland delineations, or soil borings may be required. Whether we begin with an owner’s concept for development or design one of our own, the next step is a preliminary plat where we apply the concept plan to the surveys and studies prepared for the land parcel to design the proposed land division. At this step, drainage and stormwater management plans, street profiles and sewer and water service plans are designed. All these plans are submitted to the local municipality for review against their ordinances and comprehensive land use plans. They may also invite the public to a meeting to offer comments on the plans.

The State Department of Administration and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will review the plans and plat and then issue permits. It may take several iterations of designs and public meetings to obtain a Preliminary Plat approval from the local authority, and the process may take several months. After receiving the Preliminary Plat approval, construction can usually begin as long as all the other construction-related permits are received.

The Final Plat is a separate step that requires local and state approvals and is the document recorded at the Register of Deeds which actually creates the lots. The Final Plat will address any conditions of approval made by the local and state authorities. Our services do not stop when the plat is approved. We will assist the owner in hiring contractors to build the subdivision roads, drainage, and utilities. During the construction phase, we will provide construction surveying for the contractors and provide record drawings to the municipality.

Commercial and industrial land development by Davel Engineering & Environmental


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Every commercial or industrial building project requires some civil engineering. Any project that disturbs a significant area of land requires a stormwater management plan and environmental permits. We are involved in the project from start to completion.

At the start, we provide topographic, ALTA boundary surveys, wetland determinations, Phase 1 Environmental Studies, and other preliminary engineering studies. We work with the architect or general contractor to design the parking facilities, building services, grading plans, erosion and sediment control plans, and stormwater management plans. During construction, we provide construction surveying for the layout of the buildings, pavements, or other various site features.

Mmulti-planned and planned development by Davel Engineering & Environmental

Multi-Family and Planned Developments

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In most cases, the key step in developing land for multi-family (apartments) is to find the right parcel of land and obtain the necessary zoning. We can assist with this step calling upon our knowledge and experience of the local comprehensive land use plans.

We can also represent the owner at public hearings to help present the project and answer technical questions related to developing the parcel.

Once zoning is in place, a site plan for the development must be prepared, in order to obtain the approval to construct the development on the parcel of land. Sometimes this zoning permit is called a Conditional Use Permit, Special Use Permit, or a Planned Development. We can design the site layout if the proposed building footprints are provided, or we collaborate with the architect who is designing the buildings to design the site plan.

Stormwater Management Plans and Sewer and Water Service Plans are a required part of the site plan review process, which will be prepared based on the site plan designed. This type of project does not usually involve a subdivision of land, but may require a Certified Survey Map, which is a minor land division to create the parcel of land for the development. The projects are usually served by private, not public roads. They may involve a single stand-alone home or building that contains many residential units within the same building. If the homes are to be sold, a Condominium Plat is prepared and recorded at the Register of Deeds, where the title to the home is based. Certified Survey Maps and Condominium Plats are instruments of our service.

Once construction begins, we can provide construction surveying to layout the buildings, roads, and utilities.

Park design and planning by Davel Engineering & Environmental

Parks and Recreational

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Our involvement in parks or recreational projects usually come from the civil engineering team members. We will prepare Topographic or Boundary Surveys of the land parcel or possibly wetland delineations or other preliminary studies.

Our maps and surveys will become the base map for the park planner to use. Once the conceptual layout and features of the park are established, we will get involved in the design of roads and parking areas, stormwater management facilities, walking trails, or trail bridges. Construction surveying is provided to the contractors building the park so that every feature is constructed in the right place!

Land Development

Engineering Studies

Floodplain and Floodway Analysis

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If a client is proposing to develop near a river or stream, it is essential to know at what elevation the development should be constructed to keep it safe from flooding. We can perform a study of the river or stream that will estimate the flood flow and elevation along the stream. Typically this type of study will result in a determination of the floodplain and floodway. In an area where a floodplain and floodway have already been established, additional work can be done to analyze encroachments into the floodway. Much of this work is required by Shoreland Zoning ordinances. Flood studies are also a required phase of work for the design of bridges or culvert structures that cross navigable streams.

Stormwater Runoff/Drainage Studies

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Most projects today require a Stormwater Management Plan. A Stormwater Management Plan details how the stormwater will be treated for both peak flow control and water quality for the development. We perform a hydrologic study to estimate runoffs from various rainfall events. We also design stormwater management best practices to treat the runoff to meet both state and local requirements.

A separate study might be done to size a storm drainage facility or to study why something flooded. We use hydrologic modeling software using methods established by the USDA Soils Conservation Service or other agencies. A drainage study would also combine an analysis of topography to determine the direction and concentration of the surface water runoff. This service would be a necessary phase in a subdivision or commercial development as a part of a Stormwater Management Plan.

Stormwater design & engineering studies by Davel Engineering & Environmental
Engineering Studies

Environmental Services

Phase I & II Environmental Site Analysis

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Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) are often needed for real estate transactions, generally for properties historically used for commercial purposes. Performing an ESA before acquiring a property can minimize the risk of having to deal with costly remediation of hazardous waste.

A Phase I ESA consists of a records review, interviews with owners, occupants, government officials, and a site inspection to determine if a Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) may potentially exist. A Phase II ESA is conducted if there is any potential that contamination exists and includes confirmation of the presence or absence of contamination.

Soil Evaluations (Lab & Field)

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Soil profile evaluations are generally needed for stormwater management plans and construction of ponds to determine groundwater elevation and soil properties, which affect construction and feasibility. In many cases, fill placed in a floodplain requires compaction testing to ensure structures are reasonably safe from flooding in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Davel Engineering provides a variety of soil profile evaluations, laboratory testing, groundwater elevation verification, and texture analysis for purposes of determining site suitability for septic systems, stormwater ponds, wildlife ponds and wetlands, foundation elevations, presumptive bearing capacity and depth to bedrock.

Environmental site analysis by Davel Engineering & Environmental

Wetland Delineations

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Wetland delineations consist of determining the extent of a wetland or wetlands on a property. Generally speaking, wetlands cannot be filled, and there may be local restrictions on disturbance of wetlands. Conducting a wetland determination or delineation is one of the first surveys that should be conducted before planning a site development.

There are several definitions of wetlands. The State of Wisconsin’s definition of wetlands is: “An area where water is at, near or above the land surface long enough to be capable of supporting aquatic or hydrophytic vegetation and which has soils indicative of wet conditions.” Basically, an area that is wet, inundated, or saturated within 1 foot of the surface for 14 consecutive days during the growing season may meet the hydrology definition of a wetland.

We can identify and mark the wetland boundary, do a survey, and show it on an exhibit map for review and planning. The required reports are generally submitted to the DNR and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other government agencies with jurisdiction for review and/or concurrence. This process can take some time, which is why it is important to identify the wetland boundary well in advance of planning.

Wetland Permitting

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Under current regulations, when wetlands are identified on a property, a Practicable Alternatives Analysis (PAA) is needed if the development concept requires impact to or filling of wetlands for the project. The PAA is conducted to evaluate the site to see if the wetland impact can be avoided, and if not, how the proposed project can result in minimized impact to wetlands. Generally, the PAA consists of generating alternatives, exhibits, and supporting documentation and reasoning for developing a plan that meets the project purpose and minimizes wetland impact to the maximum extent practicable.

Our surveyors, engineers, and environmental staff have vast experience in navigating this onerous process and have a good working relationship with the local regulators. Davel Engineering can provide all the services needed in preparing a wetland permit application.

Environmental Services

Land Surveying

Construction Services

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We work with a variety of contractors from home builders to utility contractors, heavy earthmovers, and general contractors. We take your plans and lay them out on the ground to be built. We also provide GPS survey control and terrain models for GPS guided construction equipment.

We offer construction observation, residential house site plans, and erosion control plans and inspections.

Land Divisions

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The three types of land divisions are Subdivision Plat, Certified Survey Map, and Condominium Plat. The subdivision plat is utilized to create multiple lots and typically requires the state and local municipality to provide a review and approval. This type of development typically includes designing roads, utilities, and preparing a drainage plan for the project.

A Certified Survey Map, or CSM as it is commonly referred, is utilized to create four or fewer lots and is reviewed by the county and local municipality. The landowner is limited to the creation of four lots with a CSM in a five year period of time. This can vary by county.

Finally, a condominium plat can be utilized for residential or commercial property and creates units instead of lots to be sold. The condominium plat is typically utilized when a subdivision of the lands is not practical. The condominium is prepared in conjunction with the declaration, prepared by an attorney, which defines the governing board along with the owners’ rights and responsibilities.

For all land divisions, we offer a free consultation to determine the feasibility and requirements for moving forward with your development.

Construction services
Land surveying by Davel Engineering & Environmental

Property Surveys

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A property survey can be either a Plat of Survey or an American Land Title Association Survey, commonly referred to as an ALTA Survey.

The Plat of Survey is a basic survey of the boundary of a residential or commercial property. This survey is typically requested when the client wants to put up a fence, install landscaping, or determine if a neighbor’s improvements are encroaching on their property.

An ALTA survey is typically for commercial property and is requested by the individual purchasing a property or the financial institution providing the loan for the project. The person requesting the survey typically chooses the survey requirements from Table A of ALTA survey requirements. These requirements are used to remove exceptions from the title insurance policy.

No matter the size of your parcel, we would be happy to provide you with a quote for a survey of your property.

Topographic Survey

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A topographic survey is performed to show the topography of the land and any physical improvements, which include buildings, pavement, and utilities. This map is typically used as a base map for an architect, landscape designer, or civil engineer to design improvements to the property.

Property Surveys

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A property survey can be either a Plat of Survey or an American Land Title Association Survey, commonly referred to as an ALTA Survey.

The Plat of Survey is a basic survey of the boundary of a residential or commercial property. This survey is typically requested when the client wants to put up a fence, install landscaping, or determine if a neighbor’s improvements are encroaching on their property.

An ALTA survey is typically for commercial property and is requested by the individual purchasing a property or the financial institution providing the loan for the project. The person requesting the survey typically chooses the survey requirements from Table A of ALTA survey requirements. These requirements are used to remove exceptions from the title insurance policy.

No matter the size of your parcel, we would be happy to provide you with a quote for a survey of your property.

Topographic Survey

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A topographic survey is performed to show the topography of the land and any physical improvements, which include buildings, pavement, and utilities. This map is typically used as a base map for an architect, landscape designer, or civil engineer to design improvements to the property.
Land surveying by Davel Engineering & Environmental
Land Surveying

Public Works

Local Street Reconstructions

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As opposed to the development of a new street in a subdivision development, this service would involve the reconstruction of an existing street in an established neighborhood. The challenges in this type of project may involve solving long-standing drainage issues, widening or improving the service level of the road, adding bike lanes, walking trails or sidewalks, and of course, coordination with residents. Our services would not stop at design. We can also assist with the bidding, contracting, and construction management.

Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Extensions

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Oftentimes, older sewer or water mains need to be replaced. An engineer is required to design the replacement and obtain extension approvals from the Department of Natural Resources. Other times, extensions of mains to serve outlying areas are required by the district or municipality. We can provide the design services necessary to carry out the project. We can also provide construction services such as bidding, construction surveying, and observation.

Walking Trails and Sidewalks

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Many municipalities are planning to expand their hiking and biking trail systems throughout their communities. When it comes time to implement the planning, we can help with the construction of a segment of the trail or even the construction of a trail bridge. We can start with designing the route and help to obtain right of ways or easements and then follow through with plans that can be used for bidding and construction.
Tanesey sidewalk and trails by Davel Engineering & Environmental
Public Works

Site Development

Parking Lots

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Sometimes all you need is a small expansion to your parking lot. What may seem like a simple project can turn into quite an endeavor.

For many municipalities, their stormwater ordinance will require stormwater controls for as little as 4,000 square feet of new impervious area. Other permits such as site approvals and erosion and sediment control permits will likely be required. We can help determine quickly and exactly what is required and help find the easiest path to completion. Our services may include a grading and drainage plan for the parking lot, an erosion control plan, site approvals and permits, stormwater management design, construction layout, bidding and contracting.

Stormwater Ponds

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Stormwater ponds are needed on most projects. The wet detention pond is the most common stormwater management practice because it can control both peak flows and reduce sediment to improve water quality.

There are other practices that can be used instead of or in conjunction with other practices to achieve the same results.

The “pond” can even be placed underground under a parking lot, for instance, to conserve land. A stormwater pond is usually part of a larger project. Occasionally we are brought in as a team member to design just this aspect of the project. Aside from the design, which includes hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, a written Stormwater Management Plan and Operation and Maintenance Plan are usually required by the authority.

Stormwater ponds and site development by Davel Engineering & Environmental
Site Development

Wondering if Davel Engineering can help you with your civil engineering and land surveying project? We bet we can! Give us a call or contact us today for a free consultation from a member of our experienced team.

Wondering if Davel Engineering can help you with your civil engineering and land surveying project? We bet we can! Give us a call or contact us today for a free consultation from a member of our experienced team.

Davel Engineering & Environmental Inc, Menasha WI

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1164 Province Terrace
Menasha, WI 54952
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Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday: Closed